Icona Login IT EN
Testalino Liutaio
Last updated on 10 October 2023


The site has been designed in accordance with Law 9/1/2004 no4, “Provisions to facilitate access to IT tools for the disabled”, and the relevant Decree of the Minister for Innovation and Technology of 8/7/2005 outlining the “Technical requirements and different levels for accessibility to IT tools”.
The templates were developed using standard XHTML 1.0 Strict code, as recommended by the W3C. CSS are predominantly used to more effectively separate content from its graphical representation and improve accessibility.

Below are the 22 checkpoints of the draft Technical Verification, indicating how the accessibility requirements were met and the testing methods used.

Requirement 1
Statement: Create pages and the objects they contain with technologies defined by published formal grammars, using the latest versions available when supported by user programmes. Use elements and attributes in accordance with the specifications, respecting their semantic aspect.
With regard to HTML (HypertText Markup Language) and XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language) in particular:
For all new sites, use at least HTML version 4.01 or XHTML version 1.0, both with Strict DTD (Document Type Definition).
Methodology for achieving the objective: The site was created using a tool that automatically generates XHTML 1.0 Strict pages.
Testing method: All pages were validated with
Mauve ++ and the W3C Validator.

Requirement 2
Statement: Frames may not be used to create new sites. Upon first application, for existing sites already created with frames, the use of HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 with frameset DTD is permitted with the following caveats.
Plan to transition the entire site to at least XHTML version 1.0 with Strict DTD. The transition plan must be submitted to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Innovation and Technology.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The tool used to construct the site does not allow site pages containing frames or iframes to be created.

Requirement 3
Statement: Provide an equivalent textual alternative for each non-textual object on a page and ensure that when the non-textual content of an object changes dynamically, its equivalents are also updated. The equivalent textual alternative to a non-textual object must be commensurate with the function the object performs in the context in question.
Methodology for achieving the objective: Each image object has a text field (ALT attribute). Multimedia objects have a text field for entering the transcript of the multimedia content (be it a film, audio file or other type of content).
Testing method: We verified the presence of the ALT field in all images using the
W3C Validator. The individual content authors verified the logical correctness of the descriptions inserted.

Requirement 4
Statement: Ensure that all information and functionalities conveyed by colours are available even without using colour.
Methodology for achieving the objective: Page elements are personalised in terms of both graphics and code. Furthermore, the authors of the site have avoided phrases that are meaningless to the blind and those with colour perception issues.
Testing method: Sample examination of the pages on the site.

Requirement 5
Statement: Avoid flashing, flickering or moving objects and writing where the operating frequency might trigger photosensitive epilepsy or concentration-related disorders or that might cause assistive technologies to malfunction. Where information needs require them to be used regardless, warn the user of the risk and put methods in place to avoid such objects.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The decision was made to avoid animated images and flash animations unless strictly necessary and to never use ‘flashing’ or ‘flickering’ elements.
Testing method: Sample examination of the pages on the site.

Requirement 6
Statement: Ensure that the information content (foreground) and the background are easily distinguishable by ensuring sufficient contrast in the case of text or difference in sound level in the case of speech with background music. Text in the form of an image is generally discouraged but, where unavoidable, should meet the distinguishability criteria outlined above, bearing in mind that the user cannot change the contrast or font size in an image.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The appearance of the pages on this site and their component objects (headers, paragraphs, etc.) is determined centrally using CSS, thus ensuring the graphic consistency of the entire site while at the same time allowing for maximum flexibility in the layout of each individual page.
Testing method: The graphics used on the site were verified by applying the W3C colour contrast formula. The pages created were then checked using Colour Contrast Analyzer 1.1.

Requirement 7
Statement: Use client-side rather than server-side sensitive image maps, except where sensitive areas cannot be determined with a valid geometric shape.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The decision was made not to use server-side image maps when building the portal.

Requirement 8
Statement: If server-side image maps are used, provide the alternative text links necessary to obtain any information or services that can be reached by interacting with the map.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The decision was made not to use server-side image maps when building the portal.

Requirement 9
Statement: Use elements (markers) and attributes to describe content and identify row and column headings within data tables.
Methodology for achieving the objective: Inserted tables and the tool make it not only possible but easy to use the TH (column heading), SUMMARY (table caption) and CAPTION (table title) tags, in accordance with the
standard recommended by the W3C.
Testing method: Checking of the code on all pages using the W3C Validator, checking of the entire site using the Watchfire WebXACT software and sample examination of certain pages containing tables.

Requirement 10
Statement: Use elements (markers) to associate data cells and heading cells in data tables with two or more logical levels of row or column headings.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The decision was made not to use tables with several logical levels on this site.
Testing method: Checking of the code on all pages using the
W3C Validator, checking of the entire site using the Watchfire WebXACT software and sample examination of certain pages containing tables.

Requirement 11
Statement: Use style sheets to control the presentation of content and organise pages so that they can be read even when style sheets are disabled or not supported.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The layout of this site was designed using style sheets and without the use of tables.
When creating templates, and therefore pages, always use the most appropriate tags for each situation: H1 for headers, H2, H3 for subheaders, P for paragraphs, OL or UL for lists and STRONG and EM for text styles; this will mean that pages can be read without any problems and fully retain their informative and logical structural content even when style sheets are disabled.
Testing method: Checking of the code on all pages using the W3C Validator, checking of the entire site using the
Watchfire WebXACT software and sample examination by browsing the site with CSS disabled or with a text browser.

Requirement 12
Statement: It is important to be able to adapt the presentation and textual content of a page to the interface used by the user without overlapping the objects present or losing any information that would make the content incomprehensible, even in the event of the resizing, enlargement or reduction of the display area and/or fonts in relation to the default values for these parameters.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The pages of this site adapt to different resolutions (liquid layout) and all text can be enlarged or reduced in size using browser controls. The entire page layout is based on CSS.
Since both site
and CSS code are correct and were validated and tested on different operating systems and browsers, there was no need to resort to CSS hacks or CrossBrowser systems.
Testing method: Sample examination of several pages across different browsers, operating systems, video resolutions and font sizes.

Requirement 13
Statement: If tables are used for layout purposes, ensure that their content is comprehensible when they are read in a linearised manner.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The decision was made not to use layout tables on this site.
Testing method: Spot-checking of site pages using the Lynx text browser and the JAWS screen reader.

Requirement 14
Statement: With regard to forms, explicitly associate labels with their controls, positioning them in such a way as to make it easier for users of assistive technologies to fill in the fields.
Methodology for achieving the objective: Even very complex forms can be created without knowledge of any programming language.
Testing method: Verification of form completion with mouse and keyboard, with the Lynx text browser and with the JAWS
screen reader.

Requirement 15
Statement: Ensure that pages are usable when scripts, applets or other programming objects are disabled or not supported. If this is not possible, ensure an equivalent textual alternative in a similar manner as indicated in Requirement 3.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The pages were constructed based on the principle of unintrusive JavaScript
, keeping the levels of structure (HTML), presentation (CSS) and interactivity (JavaScript) separate. The effects and functionalities that JS provides were, in fact, only applied when the browser supported JavaScript, without sacrificing access to the content if such support is not available.
Testing method: Even if JavaScript is disabled, the missing functionalities are entirely marginal and do not impair the use of the site, meaning that no textual alternative is necessary.

Requirement 16
Statement: Ensure that event handlers that activate scripts, applets or other programming objects, or which have a specific proprietary interface, are input device-independent.
Methodology for achieving the objective: As explained in the previous point (Requirement 15), the only two scripts used on the site were tested with the main browsers and assistive technologies.
Testing method: Verification of scripts with mouse and keyboard, with browsers (Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape, Safari and Lynx) and with the
JAWS screen reader.

Requirement 17
Statement: Ensure that functionalities and information conveyed by means of programming objects, objects using technologies not defined by formal published grammars, scripts and applets are directly accessible or compatible with assistive technologies.
Methodology for achieving the objective: As already explained in the previous point (Requirement 15), the scripts used were also verified with assistive technologies.
In any case, it is possible to disable such scripts without any loss of functionality.
Testing method: Sample examination of pages using scripts.

Requirement 18
Statement: If a video or timed multimedia presentation is vital to the information or service
provided, synchronise the equivalent textual alternative with it in the form of a sub-title or voice description, or associate it with a summary or simple label, depending on the level of importance and difficulty of implementation in the case of real-time presentations.
Methodology for achieving the objective: Insertable multimedia objects provide an extended text field in which to enter the description of the multimedia content itself, and content authors have been trained to enter explanatory and coherent descriptions.
Testing method: The individual content authors verified both the presence and the logical correctness of the descriptions inserted. Spot checking of pages.

Requirement 19
Statement: Make the destination of each hyperlink clear with text that is meaningful even if read out of context, or associate the links with alternative text indicating the destination of the link. Provide mechanisms to avoid the repetitive reading of sequences of links common to several pages.
Methodology for achieving the objective: Skiplinks were inserted into the general frames to avoid the reading of repetitive link sequences. Content authors have been trained to create links that are meaningful when read out of context. A number of access keys were also used and tested with the main browsers in order to avoid overlapping with the keyboard commands of the browsers themselves.
Testing method: We verified the hyperlinks using the
Watchfire WebXACT validation software. Skiplinks were also spot-checked using screen readers.

Requirement 20
Statement: If there is a time restriction on the performance of certain actions in order to use a service provided on a page, the user must be warned of this, the maximum time allowed indicated and potential alternatives for using the service provided.
Methodology for achieving the objective: No timed features are planned.

Requirement 21
Statement: Ensure that the links on a page can be selected and activated via keyboard commands or a technology designed to emulate a keyboard, or via pointing systems other than the mouse. The line spacing of link lists should notably be at least 1 em; the horizontal and vertical distances between form buttons should be at least 1 em; the buttons in a form should be sized in a way that ensures that the label contained therein is clearly legible, e.g. using appropriate padding between the label and the sides of the button; the same principles apply to sensitive images as to form buttons, bearing in mind that in this case the defined dimensions cannot be changed.
Methodology for achieving the objective: All links generated, be they links within the content area of each page or links belonging to browsing indexes, can be easily selected using any device, including a keyboard or other technology designed to emulate a keyboard. The site does not use JavaScript, Java or Flash
to manage links and menus, meaning that each link is in pure XHTML. The spacing and positioning of links, buttons and form fields is determined centrally using CSS style sheets, thus simplifying the fulfilment of the requirements set out in the second part of point 21.
Testing method: Spot-checking of site pages using devices other than the mouse, checking of link sequences and forms for spacing and object sizing.

Requirement 22
Statement: With regard to existing sites, upon first application and on each page that cannot be traced back to compliance with these requirements, provide a link to a page that does comply with them, provides equivalent information and functionalities, and is updated with the same frequency as the original page, avoiding the creation of text-only pages. The link to the accessible page must be prominently displayed as an option at the start of the inaccessible page.
Methodology for achieving the objective: The site complies with all of the points set out in the present Technical Verification. This being the case, it was not necessary to create alternative versions of the pages.